For anyone who might be younger in school I have some advice and words of encouragement. We all know school can be tough and burdensome at times. It can really wear you down and there are a lot of things you have to learnt hat you don't always want to. However, the sooner you change your attitude towards learning I think that whole feeling of school wearing you down changes. I had that issue and once I changed my mindset and told myself how lucky I am to even get to learn things changed for the better. I realize that sounds cheesy perhaps but it is true. Your mind is very powerful and whether you think something is this way or that, either way you are right. You have the decision on how you are going to respond tot he situation you are in. I would also say don't be too hard on yourself during college, in all aspects. Realize that you learn more from messing up then you do from always being right. Also, be intentional with your friends and work to build relationships because that is the best thing in college. You get to live down the street or next door to people you want to spend time with. In the future when people get done with college everyone kind of seems to spread out. I know I am going to miss being so close to all of my friends.
I'll stop before I start rambling on about too much. Thanks for reading!
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Boomer Sooner.
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